
Vila Viçosa, Portugal


+351 268 408 234




Modernization of Processing Lines

Modernization of Processing Lines

Modernization of Processing Lines multimarmore May 16, 2024 News The plan for modernizing the factory processing lines in Magratex was endorsed by Management earlier this year. Application will be made to the European Union subsidies scheme to fund this project. New cutting, polishing and resin processing machinery have been considered and it is anticipated that […]

Multimarmore has acquired another company known as Magratex

Multimarmore has acquired another company known as Magratex

Multimarmore has acquired another company known as Magratex multimarmore May 16, 2024 News MAGRATEX was founded in 1962 with the aim of exporting marbles, limestones and granites especially to the German market.It has always been the policy of Magratex to invest in exports and today has a portfolio of clients in more than 50 countries […]

Verona Stone Fair

Verona Stone Fair

Verona Stone Fair multimarmore November 16, 2023 News For the first time, Multimarmore and Magratex will join forces to take-part in the forthcoming Verona Stone Fair in September this year. The best of the white marble materials from the quarries of both companies will be showcased. We look forward to seeing you there! Tags : […]